Today, I wanted to start a series called Woman of the Month to celebrate the women and non-binary folk that have served their communities, are passionate, determined, and overall wonderful human beings that deserve a spotlight! Every month I plan to bring you a new student from UCLA that I feel is deserving of such recognition. Granted if I could, I would have a new woman or non-binary every day but even if you never make it on the blog, understand that we see you, we notice you, and we are proud of the person you have become and the person that you will grow to be.
With that being said, I specifically chose Betelihem Mehary as October's Woman of the Month because I have simply been in awe by her undeniable beauty and the way she carries herself. Though we have never had a formal conversation, she never failed to say hello or smile whenever she passed a fellow Black bruin, like myself. I admire her work ethic and her will to follow the goals she has set for herself and the need to do what makes her happy. She is also one of our many curly sisters that have grown to love and embrace her curls after struggling with the societal pressures that many Black women and non-binary face to conform to European standards. In all, I just wanted to give her a standing ovation for being the boss of her own life and embodying grace and authenticity. Without further or due, I introduce to you, our first Woman of the Month for October, Betelihem Mehary!
Let's start with your name, major, and your year.
My name is Betelihem Mehary and I am a double Major in Sociology and African American studies as 4th year (2nd-year transfer)!
Do you have an aspiring career or profession? I don't really have one I'm passionate about so I'd prefer not to answer if that's okay.
What are some leadership roles or positions at UCLA that you are most proud of? I am most proud of being the Internal Vice President for the Black Business Student Association!
What has your experience been like at UCLA as a woman of color? What have you learned? Being a Black woman at this predominately white university has had its ups and downs. Already being the most unprotected human being in this society is a fear, but placing myself into a community that prides itself on its whiteness does not always foster a safe space. Although this is an identity that is deemed as inferior, this entirely gives me the strength and motivation to become my best self. I am ready to represent myself to the world that I can, and I will.❤️
What was your hair journey like growing up? I grew up with a family that adored Eurocentric features, so I was constantly straightening my hair to conform to my counterparts. My immigrant parents didn’t know how to maintain natural hair so I was only used to my pressed hair that became a puffball after playing in the playground for 10 minutes. When I reached high school I did a big chop and began my natural hair journey and to this day, it has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
If you had to give incoming freshmen at UCLA (in reference to women and non-binary of color) a piece of advice, what would it be? Take up space! Be as prideful you can be in your identity and don’t belittle yourself for anyone in any form.
What is your memorable moment at UCLA? Modeling in the CAC Hip Hop Congress fashion show has to be one of my favorite experiences at UCLA thus far! Coming from a community that doesn’t focus on the uplifting of creative goals, being a part of this fashion show was a step out of my comfort zone. It has pushed me to create more in the modeling realm and be more passionate about my goals! ❤️
One hair product you can’t live without.
Eco Styler gel is my best friend. The range this product has is ridiculous! I can use it as edge control, a styling gel, or to slick down my ponytail.
Favorite hairstyle? A high puff! It has such a versatile look and opens up your face while also showing the curls!
What inspired you to start YouTube and what are you hoping to accomplish on that platform? I didn’t have that support growing up to be prideful in my natural hair. I was taught to be conforming and attempted to imitate my non-black counterparts hairstyles because anti-blackness was so deep-rooted. When I finally realized that my natural hair is beautiful and I should project the true version of myself is when I became liberated. I created this youtube channel to be the representation that I needed when I was younger. I want to empower young Black womxn to love their true selves.
And there you have it, our very first Woman of the Month, Betelihem Mehary! If you don't already, be sure to follow her on Instagram @lihemrussom to not only see more gorgeous photos of her, but to subscribe and support her Youtube channel!
Happy week one of Fall quarter and stay tuned for November's Woman of the Month!